Tooth Decay is one among the world’s most common health problem seen in children and adults. If tooth decay is not treated they might affect deeper layers of your tooth structure which leads to severe pain, infection and finally tooth loss. Major causes for tooth decay develops by eating sugary, sticky food and beverages. The more sugar consumed, the more acid attacks the tooth leading to decay. Plaque formation is another major factor of tooth decay. When sugar combines with plaque, it weakens the tooth layer causing decay. Each time we consume sugary snacks our tooth is more prone to decay.
Second factor is poor oral hygiene. It allows plaque formation which attacks the enamel of tooth eventually causing hole in your teeth.
Dry mouth is another cause for tooth decay. Food tends to stick to your teeth can increase risk for cavities. As decay progresses we start getting pain which is the common symptom for decay, hole or pits can be noticed in the affected tooth. Most serious symptom is swelling and pus in and around the tooth.
To prevent decay, first step is to maintain good Oral hygiene. Limit your intake of sugary food and drinks. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash which helps in removing food that is lodged in between your teeth. Visit your dentist twice a year for routine examination.