Discover proven strategies to prevent caries effectively. Explore dental care tips and habits to maintain a cavity-free smile for optimal oral health.
Brush twice a day quickly and effectively
Do flossing/ interdental brush based on the space between teeth.
Use fluoride containing mouthwash and toothpaste, if you are prone to caries.
Avoid sugary and sticky food. In case of sugar consumption brush your teeth preferably after every meal.
Drink lots of water and fluoride containing beverages.
Eat crunchy, bright coloured and fibre containing foods like carrot, celery, apple, nuts, sprouts, bran, etc.
Certain foods like cheese, milk, yogurt, seafood are known to prevent caries.
Chew non sugary gums often because it increases your salivary flow.
Avoid frequent snacking as it exposes your teeth to constant bacterial attack.
Visit your dentist every 6 month to make sure no caries develop by applying sealants and fluoride varnishes. Give proper attention to any cavities in the beginning to avoid any pain or discomfort later