Root canal is not only necessary for baby tooth; it is one of the most common procedure too. Root canal is the only way to save the natural tooth that has been infected by removing the pulp (inner most structure of tooth).
The most common doubt of parents are like what is the point in saving milk tooth which will eventually fall out by their own?
The infection in the teeth comes with unbearable pain for children and also it will lead to many complications when it is unattended.
The premature loss of milk tooth will affect child’s daily life routine functions like chewing which will affect the nutritional level of baby and speech development which affect the confidence of baby which is more important during their growth period, also it can lead to other issues with permanent teeth which will eventually come in the place of these baby teeth.
Milk teeth also help as a place holder for permanent teeth and all at same time. So, if there is gap forms prematurely, the other teeth will drift to this position to fill it. So saving the milk teeth by root canal with cap will help the baby to overcome the problems and also important like saving the permanent teeth.