Thumb sucking is one of the most common oral habits seen in children.
Thumb sucking is forceful sucking of the thumb in children which will become an act out of repeated habit
Thumb sucking is normal up to pre-school age i.e., till 2 years.
It becomes abnormal and creates problems to teeth and jaw if it persists beyond 2 years.
Till 2 years of life your child performs thumb sucking due to various reasons like :
Beyond 2 years it may be due to :
What you think will be the major causes of your child’s abnormal thumb sucking?
Other causes include:
Thumb and other fingers:
Since the major reason lies in psychological insecurity for the child, it is very important to provide a close emotional union between mother and the baby by proper breast feeding activities, spending ample amount of time with them and child’s engagement in various activities like sports.
Parental counseling and motivation to child to stop the habit are always better provided by the pediatric dentist you visit.
He / she will also provide habit breaking appliances based on the extent of habit.
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